Relief Supplies and donations for St. Vincent and the Grenadines Secured by Consul General Rondy McIntosh

The content originally appeared on: NBC SVG

In an effort to get relief and aid to St Vincent and the Grenadines, Consul General to New York Rondy McIntosh continues to work with several organizations and stakeholders in the United States.

Speaking to NBC Radio, Consul McIntosh said that a full 40 foot container was shipped to St Vincent and the Grenadines two weeks ago with relief supplies.

He said a medical supply donation valued at thirty thousand US dollars from the Afia Foundation, was also secured.

The Consul General also noted that the Consulate continues to work with the New York Police Department (NYPD) to assist in picking up relief items.

McIntosh also noted that another medical supply donation was secured, however the donor has asked to remain anonymous.

The Consul General also noted that the Consulate is working with the CARICOM consulate core a group of judges who made donations.

He said they have also received several cash donations.