The SVG Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Association Incorporated (SVGDDA) is appealing to the public to seek information about these diseases, so they can better understand when people they know are being affected.
This appeal was made by P.R.O of the SVG Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Association Incorporated (SVGDDA), Dr. Karen Providence, as the association hosts a series of activities, as part of its program to observe World Alzheimer’s Day.
World Alzheimer’s Day which is observed every year on September 21st, is an international campaign to raise awareness and challenge the stigma surrounding Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.
Dr. Providence thanked everyone who made their Awareness Fair on Friday a success as she noted that some people are becoming more aware of the diseases and the risk of being diagnosed with them.
Dr. Providence added that more people are understanding that Alzheimer’s and Dementia are diseases and seeking more knowledge and this is a positive development.
Photo credit: Searchlight