YRM preparing for Hurricane Season

The content originally appeared on: NBC SVG

The Youlou Radio Movement (YRM)  formerly the Radio Rainbow League hosted a Communications and Readiness Exercise, designed to prepare local Radio Amateurs (Hams) for the 2024 Hurricane Season.

Director of the YRM, Donald DeRiggs says the communications exercise tested the use of field stations, including the Grenadine Islands.

He says the aim was to ensure that members are in a state of readiness for the Hurricane Season.


DeRiggs says he is pleased with the outcome of the Communications and Readiness Exercise.


DeRiggs is grateful for the assistance from the Bank of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, which provided support to cover logistic and travel expenses to ensure that the Grenadines were not left out from this training activity.

The Youlou Radio Movement  group members volunteer to provide emergency communications services, as their contribution to national safety.