Local Pass Rate Increases in 2024 Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate Exams

The content originally appeared on: NBC SVG

A slight improvement has been recorded in the local pass rate for this year’s Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate Examination.

In a release by the Ministry of Education, it said that of the 1477 school candidates from 27 schools sitting the exam in 31 subject areas, approximately 73.60 per cent of students were awarded between Grade I and III; a slight improvement from 72.16 per cent pass rate in 2023.

This year 17.02 per cent were passes at grade 1 level, 40.67 at grade II level and 42.3 at grade III level.

The subjects with the highest percentage pass were Theatre Arts – 100 per cent, Physical Education and Sports – 97.47 per cent, Office Administration – 95.81  per cent and Industrial Technology – 93.75  per cent.

Meanwhile, the subjects with the lowest passes were Mathematics – 31.60 per cent, Spanish – 46.31, Textiles, Clothing and Fashion – 51.79 per cent and Geography 52.58 per cent.

Five schools obtained pass rates above 80 per cent, they are: the St Vincent Girls High School – 96.59, the St Vincent Grammar School – 91.15 per cent, St Martin Secondary School – 90.37 per cent, St Joseph Convent Kingstown – 85.54 and the Thomas Saunders Secondary School – 82.79 per cent.

Thirteen school obtained pass rates between 80 per cent and the 60 per cent.

The Sandy Bay Secondary School and the Emmanuel High School Mesopotamia showed improvement in their performance. The Sandy Bay Secondary School recorded a pass rate of 73. 64 per cent compared to 55.833 per cent in 2023. The Emmanuel High School Mesopotamia recorded a pass rate of 61.02 per cent compared to 45.75 per cent.